
  1. Training
When we think of Arnold Schwarzenegger, it’s hard not to envisage his massive chest and biceps, pumping iron at Gold’s Gym during the Golden years of Bodybuilding. Much is known about the routines Arnold would use in his competitive career, but not much is known about his initial mass programs. I recently created a video […]
  1. Training
Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Austrian Oak. The greatest bodybuilder of all time! Arnold has inspired millions if not billions of men around the world to take up bodybuilding, yours truly included. When I remember seeing Arnold as a kid in the movies, I remember seeing his huge arms and enormous chest. That Chest….that barrel-like chest was […]
  1. Training
Vince Gironda’s 8×8 system of training was originally termed as the « honest workout », because it is simply one of the most difficult and challenging workouts there is. Similar to the 10×10, it stimulates serious muscle hypertrophy along with fat loss. Although highly unorthodox, the 50 year old system continues to be used up until this […]