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Many people believe that steroids are the secret to building muscle quickly and efficiently. However, this popular misconception is far from the truth. In reality, steroids don’t actually build muscle, and can even be harmful to your health. Today we’ll explore the truth about steroids and their impact on muscle growth. Understanding How Muscles Grow […]
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Bodybuilding isn’t just about lifting weights and performing exercises. Believe it or not,  It’s also about using your mind to target, engage and control the specific muscle groups you’re working on. Think about it, when you’re at the gym, you’re not just moving weights around, you’re trying to build muscle. And to do that effectively, […]
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It’s no secret that the Golden Era of bodybuilding was a time when the world’s greatest physiques were crafted. Everyone from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Lou Ferrigno, Frank Zane, Larry Scott and even mass monsters like Lee Haney and Ronnie Coleman set the standard for what a great body could look like and inspired countless gym-goers […]
Join The 21 Day Challenge Free
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What Does Training to Failure Mean? Training to failure or technical failure takes the saying: ‘No pain, no gain’ to entirely new levels. It’s a training method where you’re expected to train or workout until the body part you’re working on gives out, you’re borderline struggling and can’t physically complete another rep.  In other words, […]